Winners 2020
Dear participants of “The Golden Kentauride” Contest of the XIX International Flamenco Festival “¡Viva España!” 2020:
The entire organizing team of the Festival and the House of Flamenco “Flamenquería” (Moscow) greets you, thanking with all our hearts for your participation in the Contest.
This year has been very strange for everyone. Preparing and holding such a big event is not an easy task, especially having to obey the restrictions, and we are very happy to see how the passion for flamenco crosses all borders and unites countries.
This year, 4,300 viewers from all over the world were watching the live broadcast of “The Golden Kentauride” Contest; we have received very many comments of appreciation.
Musicians, singers and dancers! Thanks to all of you, the Final of the Contest was a great experience for both the spectators and the member of jury who have been highlighting a high level of the contestants for years.
We congratulate all the winners and the contestants with special mention. It was not easy at all to choose between the finalists, and after long discussions the members of the jury distributed the prizes as follows:
Nomination "Best flamenco dance soloist": – Veronica Brovkova (Вероника Бровкова)
Nomination "Best musical performance": - Gleb Okunev (Глеб Окунев)
Nomination “Best performance of the choreography” (duo): – Ekaterina Tischenko and Lubov Mamrak (Екатерина Тищенко, Любовь Мамрак)
Nomination for “Outstanding flamenco performance” Regional award: – Aliona Trunova (Aлена Трунова)
Special mention of the nomination "Best flamenco dance soloist: Irina Zakhvatkiva (Ирина Захваткина)
Special mention “For the best accompaniment”: Maksim Melnikov (Максим Мельников)
Special mention to the young participant who performed outside the contest: Tatiana Tomilova (Татьяны Томиловой).
The non-profit Foundation for the promotion and popularization of the cultural heritage of Spain and the Spanish-speaking countries "Duende", grants to all the winners selected by our jury, material prizes for an amount of 100,000 (one hundred thousand) rubles. Participants with a special mention receive a scholarship for classes with the artists and maestros from Spain, valid during the next year 2021.
The organizing committee of the International Flamenco Festival "¡Viva España!" is always open to cooperation, also gladly accepting your constructive comments and reactions on the organization and celebration of the Festival.
We value your opinion and do everything possible to keep the Festival improving!
We hope to see all the contestants and spectators at the House ofl Flamenco “Flamenquería” in 2021, at the XX edition of the Viva España Festival. In addition, we are preparing an extensive program of events in theaters and concert halls. It will be a warm and inspiring meeting for all flamenco lovers.
Contact and information:
Much success!
See you at the Festival "Viva España" 2021!